秘貼 自生精華於過去 10年,一直是韓國女性抗衰老精華的最強回購精華之一。The history of Whoo新推出的升級版秘貼 自生精華,延續產品一直沿用的皇室宮廷養顏秘方的珍貴成份,升級研發超凡追蹤及自我修復肌膚問題的重點成分—紫河秘丹,將原有配方功效精華主要成分功效增強10倍成就出「紫河秘貼Complex™」強化肌膚再生,延緩潛在肌膚老化問題,提升肌膚防禦力,令用家真正打造充滿能量,健康的自生美肌。
『本網站上出售的產品乃食品或營養補充品。本網站之內容旨在告知有關保健品之營養及生理作用。本網站所載內容及資料僅供參考,絕對非用作治療、醫療或預防任何疾病,並無作為專業意見之意圖。』“All products presented on this website are food or dietary supplements. The content on this website is only intended to inform about the nutritional and physiological processes of the food supplements. The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your health professional.”